First International Conference on
Software Engineering Approaches For Offshore and Outsourced Development


First International Conference on Software Engineering Approaches For Offshore and Outsourced Development
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Keynote Speakers

Keynote speakers will include:

     + Watts Humphrey (Software Engineering Institute - Carnegie Mellon University)

     + Stuart Feldman (IBM)

     + K. Ananthkrishnan (Chief Technology Officer, Tata Consultancy Services)

     + Andrey Terekhov (State University of Saint Petersburg and TEPKOM)

Watts Humphrey (Software Engineering Institute - Carnegie Mellon University)


Outsourcing: Threat and Opportunity


Businesses fail for many reasons, but in the last analysis, the root cause is always marketing. To survive, organizations must sell; to sell, they must compete; and to compete, they must be unique. Finally, that uniqueness must be marketable. The problem is that even proven formulas for uniqueness never last and that the largest and most successful organizations are generally the most exposed. Mr. Humphrey discusses the rules of competition, the changes that are coming in software, and where and how outsourcing fits in this story. He also shows how the CMMI has changed the nature of the outsourcing problem and how outsourcing will accelerate the changes coming in the software industry. These changes will almost certainly involve the most troublesome characteristics of our industry: schedules are rarely met, costs are generally out of control, quality is a joke, there are no warranties, our customers must pay for fixes, and our products are complex. Customers tolerate this performance because they do not have an alternative. Outsourcing will provide that alternative. While outsourcing can save organizations a lot of money, it can also be highly risky. Mr. Humphrey concludes his remarks by explaining how the SEI's CMMI, PSP, and TSP methods relate to the outsourcing movement and how both industrial and national software strategies are evolving to capitalize on the capabilities they provide.

Short biography:

Watts Humphrey is the father of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), developed by the Software Engineering Institute for the US Department of Defense and adopted today by thousands of leading software company as the process model for industrially developed, guaranteed-quality software. Humphrey is an iconic figure in the world of software engineering and a rousing speaker. His work has played a major role in transforming software development into an industrial process. It is in particular at the heart of offshore software development, the revolution in software engineering practices that is the focus of the SEAFOOD conference.

Stuart Feldman (IBM)


Tools and methods as drivers of outsourcing


The economics of outsourcing (in-, near-, and off-shore) depend of course on the cost of implementation in various locations, as well as the interface and coordination costs. There are compelling arguments based both on differential labor rates and availability of specialized skills, both within and without a single organization.

Remote implementation requires the ability to segment the work and provide suitable human as well as computational interfaces. In the future, multi-site software engineering will depend on model-based capabilities running the gamut form business strategy to testing, as well as a greater emphasis on the issues of integration rather than code creation.

Short biography:

Stuart Felman, another legend of the software engineering world, is Vice President for Computer Science at IBM and as such one of the most influential people in the entire industry. He gained early fame through his development of many software tools including "Make", a hugely popular mechanism that automates the composition of software elements into working software system and, through its successor tools, is used by virtually every software development in the world today.

K. Ananthkrishnan (Chief Technology Officer, Tata Consultancy Services)


Efficiency and business value - the next frontier for global distributed development is here

Short biography:

K. Ananthkrishnan is Chief Technology Officer of Tata Consultancy Services, an Indian company that in a few years has grown to be one of the world's leading software development organizations and typifies the enormous success of the offshoring movement.

Andrey Terekhov (State University of Saint Petersburg and TEPKOM)


Russian software export industry

Short biography:

Professor Andrey N.Terekhov - general director of State enterprise "TERCOM" and of "LANIT-TERCOM" Inc., director of IT Research Institute of St.-Petersburg State University, Head of Software Engineering Chair of St. Petersburg State University. Andrey N. Terekhov was born on September, 3, 1949. In year 1970 married to Galia Terekhova. 1971 - graduated from the Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Leningrad State University. Received a diploma with distinction in the field of Computer Science. In year 1996 founded and headed Software Engineering Chair of St. Petersburg State University. In year 2002 was appointed the director of newly founded IT Research Insitute of St. Petersburg State University. Has two children. Daughter Karina (36 years old) - DPhil from Oxford University, now works in Nokia company. Son Andrei (30 years old), Ph.D. in physics and mathematics, now works for Microsoft.
